Digital transformation: how to jump from an abstract dream to certain tasks

One of the typical problems of the head of IT or digital transformation of the company is that the company dreams of such transformation abstractly, but attempts to move from general arguments to specific projects are broken up about the nonconcreteness of the tasks. Such problem appears on big projects of the scale of a plant and group of companies, and on humble tasks like online shop launch in addition to offline activity.

The talk describes one of the possible ways of concretizing the cloud of tasks and the formation of objective metrics, based on which top management can make decisions on choosing ways to achieve the goal.

Dmitry Zavalishin

Professional in software development, working in IT since 1985. In past — head of portal development in "Yandex", creator of several popular services including "Yandex. Market", one of the leading Internet services in Russia. Took an active part in the creation of Russian Internet segments and FidoNet. Published the online magazine "dz online". Entrepreneurial skill is 15 years.

In 2006 created Digital Zone, which announced the development of unique (not conceptual copy of Unix/Windows) Phantom operating system.

Dmitry Zavalishin DZ Systems