Multiplatform Flutter. Building Adaptive UI

Flutter is a new multiplatform framework by Google. It allows you to create applications for different platforms with the same code base. But different platforms have different screen sizes, different guidelines, different methods of user interaction. How to make UI that looks great on any of the platforms? In his talk, Alexander will tell you how to create an adaptive responsive UI in a Flutter application.

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Alexander Denisov

Aleksander is experienced a lot in enterprise development, in IT for more than 15 years. He worked in the field of the nuclear industry, taxation, telecom. Recently, I specialized mainly in a microservice architecture, but now my main interest is Flutter. Aleksandr is a Flutter enthusiast and Co-Head of Flutter Competency in EPAM, organizer of GDG Nizhny Novgorod community, host of podcasts Mobile People Talks and Flutter Dev Podcast

Alexander Denisov FlutterDev